
Tags can be added by adding a JavaScript snippet on all pages of your website, by calling the functionWPLY.addTag('your_tag_name'). Tags can also be added by editing the HTML of your website and adding the data-wply-click-tag="your_tag_name" to any HTML element on the page.

Tags are strings that can be associated with a specific visit/session. Unlike events, tags are unique per session (i.e. can not have duplicate tags), are simple strings of a length of maximum 128 characters. Tags can be used to quickly filter/segment data.


// Call this when the scrollbar reaches the end

// Call this when user adds an item to the basket
WPLY.addTag('add_to_basket_timestamp: ' + Date.now())


  • Sometimes you might want to save additional data for each tracked user (such as username or whether they clicked a button or not).

  • To add a tag, the function WPLY.addTag() is provided. It has only one parameter, which is the tag value. For example, after calling this: WPLY.addTag("username_John")

    The tag will be saved for the current recording, and you will be able to find it more easily.

You can also use a HTML5 data attribute to track clicks on specific elements using data-wply-click-tag, for example:

<a href="checkout.html" data-wply-click-tag="checkout">My checkout link</a>


  1. Tagging visitors that scrolled at least once on a page:

/// Add a tag for users who scroll at least once on the homepage
window.addEventListener('scroll', function didScroll() {
    window.removeEventListener('scroll', didScroll); // Sending it once is enough, remove listener

On WordPress you can add JavaScript on your site using your Theme's appearance settings (Custom JS) or a plugin like WPCode - Insert Headers and Footers.

Last updated